A frenectomy is a type of surgery involving the frenulum's surgical release to free the tongue tie or lip tie. Surgery involves severing or modifying the thick band of connective tissue (frenulum) that acts as a bridge between two regions. The Frena anchor the lips to the gums and the tongue to the base/floor of the mouth. The frenulum may be too short or tight; this leads to oral health issues, which may affect speech and cause trouble swallowing.

Usually, frenectomies are done on babies with feeding issues or speech problems. Adults may also need a frenectomy because the frenum can become so tight that it pulls the gums from the teeth. A frenectomy frees the tightened frenum, treating receding gums, gaps between teeth, and declining oral health.

How do you perform tongue-tie and lip-tie release surgery?

A Laser or scissors are used to remove the frenulum, which only takes several minutes to complete. Older children and adults will need to have a local anaesthetic administered to numb the area surrounding the frenulum.

After surgery, you will be prescribed pain relief medication and antibacterial mouthwash; this reduces the potential risk of infection and discomfort from the procedure. After a week or more, you will be requested to attend a follow-up with Dr Kemp so she can monitor your healing.

What are the benefits of a frenectomy?

A frenectomy address breastfeeding problems in newborns, improves speech impediments due to tongue-tie, and reduces the patient's risk of tooth decay, gum disease, poor oral health and unsightly gaps between teeth. Recovery is quick, especially in infants. However, adults and older children can expect a full recovery between three to five days.


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